AQ-00275-000, Rev. 3
Click the
Zero Order
checkbox and select
4. Open the lid to the accessory and remove the center mount plug.
5. Slide the piece of translucent paper into the reflectance port sample holder just in
front of the standard. Examine the location of the sample beams relative to the port.
Check that the beam falls completely within the port surface area and does not over-
fill the port.
6. Repeat the previous step for the reference beam at the reference port.
7. Mount or hold the translucent paper at the transmittance port. Check that the sample
beam is confined to the surface area inside the transmittance port.
8. If the reference and sample beam positions meet the criteria specified in the previous
three steps, the accessory optics are aligned properly and no further alignment is nec-
essary. Turn off the spectrophotometer and re-install the accessory, this time making
the cable connection to the instrument.
Aligning the Accessory Optics
You can use this procedure to align your accessory if the unit is not already aligned or if the acces-
sory fails the alignment check. You will need a one inch square of translucent paper that clearly
displays the outline of the sample or reference beam when illuminated. When performing this pro-
cedure, the accessory control cable should be disconnected from the instrument.
1. Load diffuse reflectance standards at the reference and sample reflectance ports.
2. Turn on the instrument and boot the WinUV software.
3. Darken the room and set the instrument for white light operation. White light opera-
tion can be established by booting the Align Application of WinUV, selecting the
Cary Tab and setting the following parameters:
Click the
Zero Order
checkbox and select
Do not drive instrument monochromator to zero with the detector cable connected, or
when instrument sample compartment is empty, as the increased energy at zero order may cause
damage to the detector system.
4. Open the lid to the accessory and remove the center mount plug.
5. Mirror M3 can be mounted at one of three positions on the accessory base plate. The
position closest to the integrating sphere is used for reflectance measurements at the
sample reflectance port. The position furthest from the sphere is for transmittance
measurements. The mirror position midway between the transmittance and reflec-
Double Beam
Y Mode
Ave Time
Slit Height