Laboratory2, LTD
At the end of the file checking, the program will show the message "The digital signature
is valid", if the integrity is not violated. If the file contains errors, the program displays the
message "The digital signature is not valid!". Also, for each file, the serial number of the
voice recorder is shown (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5. Output of files test results: a) a digital signature of the file is valid; b) Digital
signature of the file is not valid.
After verifying the digital signature of the selected file
program generates a
report with information available in the labels file. The report contains information about the
number of tags in file to be scanned, their names and their corresponding samples.
This file has the same name as the file which is checked, but with the extension «.txt»
(for example, if the original file is named «FL_8.WAV», the file with information about the
labels will have the name «FL_8.TXT»). The generated file with information on labels is
automatically stored in the directory of the originally scanned file or directory in which to
save the file (see. 2.7 (
)). File with information on labels can be useful when listening to
audio in programs that do not have label recognition.
Fig. 6. The file structure with information about the tags, formed by
Version of 14.05.2018