Chapter 6: Maintaining Your Protector XL
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
Original instructions
The hood baffles should be checked for blockages behind them to ensure
that the hood is maintaining proper airflow.
Les déflecteurs de hotte devraient être contrôlés pour leur blocage arrière
afin d’assurer que la hotte maintient un flux d’air correct.
All weekly activities.
Toutes les activités hebdomadaires.
Replace the lamps, if needed.
Remplacer les lampes, si nécessaire.
Have the fume hood recertified by a qualified certification technician. See
“Certifying the Protector Fume Hood” in
Chapter 3
Recertifier la hotte aspirante par un technicien agréé en certification.Voir
au Chapitre 3 « Certifier la Hotte Aspirante Protecteur ».
All monthly activities.
Toutes les activités mensuelles.
The sash assembly should be checked to ensure proper operation and to
make sure there are no signs of abnormal wear on the sash pulleys, cables
and clamps.
Routine Service Operations
Front Panel Removal:
Simply lift the front panel up and then away from the hood to provide access
to the top.
Changing the Lamp:
Turn light switch to “OFF”.
Remove the front panel as noted earlier.
Reach over the front header of the hood and remove knock out plugs at both
ends of fixture. Lift fixture up.
Remove the lamp by pushing it out of the spring-loaded lamp socket and
swinging it out of the other lamp socket.
Install the new lamp by reversing the removal procedure.