Chapter 3: Getting Started
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If the Glassware Washer is installed undercounter, level it side-to-side by placing
a short level on the inside top edge of the door. See the figure below for the
placement of the level on the washer. Check the level front to back by placing a
level on the rail that the lower rack slides on.
Centering the Washer Door
When the washer is level, check the operation of the washer door for alignment
with the washer tank. If the door is not centered in the opening, you must center
the door by adjusting the corresponding leveling foot. (For example, if the door
hits the right side of the tank, raise the right front corner of the washer. If the
door hits the left side of the tank, raise the left front corner of the washer.)
Connecting the Water Services
A hot water supply must be attached to your Glassware Washer. In addition, a
purified water source must be connected to your washer if pure water rinses will
be required.
Connecting the Hot Water Supply
To prevent valve clogging, thoroughly flush the hot water lines for your hot water
supply source prior to connecting the washer to the water lines. The water supply
valve to which the hot water supply is connected is located on the back of the
washer base. The back panel must be removed to access the valve.
You must provide the plumbing fittings and components needed to connect the
hot water supply source. The washer hot water supply valve is equipped with a
compression fitting for a .375" (9.53 mm) OD tube.