Chapter 4: Performance Features and Safety Precautions
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Avoid cross drafts and limit traffic in front of the enclosure. Air
disturbances created may draw contaminants out of the enclosure.
A qualified certification technician should test the enclosure before it
is initially used. The enclosure should be validated whenever it is
The use of safety goggles, protective clothing, gloves and any other
personal protective equipment recommended by your safety officer
should be used.
The sash must remain in the down position while using the enclosure.
Proper performance of the enclosure depends largely upon its location
and the operator’s work habits. Consult the references in
Appendix D.
The enclosure should be recertified whenever it is serviced or at least
annually thereafter.
Use of an open flame must be avoided in the Paramount. Open
flames may disrupt the airflow patterns in the cabinet and cause a fire
hazard with volatile chemicals and solvents.
Handle new and used filters with care during installation and removal.
Refer to Installation Instructions in this manual for proper handling of
Saturated carbon filters and HEPA filters are to be disposed of as
hazardous waste. The user is responsible for recording the chemicals
adsorbed or removed by the filters and disposing of them properly.
Use in areas where only trained users have access to the enclosure.
Any new users must be trained and should also read this User’s
Do not use the Paramount in a poorly ventilated area. If the
Paramount is to be used in a confined space, make sure the space is
well ventilated and the concentration of toxic contaminants cannot
accumulate greater than the exposure limit/TWA.
The warning properties (i.e., odor, taste) of the volatile organic
compounds or other material being used in the enclosure must be
adequate to provide an early indication that the carbon filter may be
saturated. In other words, it is best when the odor threshold is less
than the exposure limit/TWA.
Highly toxic vapors, unknown reaction, hazardous particulate, or
processes generating high levels of contaminants are not intended for
use in the Paramount.
Labconco Filter labels are color coded to match NIOSH respirator
types. Only chemicals which can be safely adsorbed/treated with the
specific carbon based filters installed or removed by HEPA filters are
appropriate for use in this enclosure.