LaSpaziale S1 Vivaldi II Timer Instruction Manual
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LaSpaziale Vivaldi II Clock Module
General Notes
With the selection of English as the language, the time of the day is shown in standard
HH:MM am/pm format on the first line. The date is show on the 2nd line in standard MM-
DD-YY format.
The clock module automatically adjusts for leap years.
The clock module automatically adjusts for Daylight Savings Time, if selected. However,
this feature has not been changed for the new US DST dates. Consequently, it is best to
leave this feature off.
The times and dates on your timer may be different than shown in this manual since they
will depend on how your unit was previously set when entering configuration mode.
With power on, the first line displays the current time (01:00pm). The second line alternates
between the current date and the next off “OF” or on “ON “ time (OF08:30pm), if an on/off
operation is pending before midnight of the current day.