INSERTO Crystal 50 – 50
– 70 – 80 – 100
6096801 - Rev.09 – EN
The connection to the stack must be performed with stiff pipes in aluminized steel with a minimum thickness of 2 mm
or in 316 stainless steel with a minimum thickness of 1 mm.
It is forbidden to use metallic pipes or pipes in asbestos cement since they jeopardize the safety of the fitting
itself, considering that they are subject to tears or breaks resulting in leaks of smoke.
The exhaust pipe must be air-tight fastened to the stack and can have a maximum inclination of 45°; th is to avoid
excessive deposits of condensate produced in the initial start-up phases and/or the excessive deposit of soot and
moreover it avoids the slowing down of the smokes at output.
The failed tightness of the connection can cause the malfunction of the appliance.
The internal diameter of the connection pipe must be equal to the external diameter of the smokes stub pipe of the
appliance. This is assured by pipes complying with DIN 1298.
The depression to the stack should be 12 - 14 Pa (=1.2 – 1.4 mm of column of water).
The measurement has always to be carried out with hot appliance (rated
thermal performance).
When the depression exceeds 17 Pa (1.7 mm of column of water), it is
necessary to reduce the same by installing an additional draught
regulator (butterfly valve).
: When metallic pipes are used, these pipes must be
insulated with suitable materials (coatings in
insulating fiber resistant) in order to avoid tears of
walls or of the counter-hood.
Before positioning the insert in the pre-existing fireplace, it is necessary to
close the upper internal part of the stack using (properly pre-drilled) sheet
metal or any other kind of fire-resistant material that can support very high
temperatures without suffering any damage. (see Picture 14)
It is necessary that the space included between the upper part, the sides
of the appliance and the deflector of fire-proofing material of the hood
(obstructing the base of the flue), is constantly ventilated.
For this reason, it is necessary to foresee an intake of air from the
bottom (intake of fresh air) and a high output (output of hot air).
Each of these openings must be free and it should not be possible to
obstruct it; moreover, they must have a minimum surface of at least 3 dm
(example: 30 x 10 cm grating).
In this way, the following targets are achieved:
a greater safety
an increase of the heat created by the air circulation around the appliance.
The heat vent grating (Picture 15 pos. 6) has to be installed on the upper part of the hood at about 20 cm from the
roof. This must always be installed since its function is that of letting the heat collected within the hood
(overpressure) flow out into the room.
Picture 13
Min. distance between coating and
rear and lateral: INSERTO 50-
50 VERT.-70-80 = 6 cm
INSERTO 100 = 8 cm
Picture 14
Closure of the existing duct with sheet
metal, bricks, mineral wool panels or fire-
resistant materials.
Air intake grating
(4) duct