Marine Systems
Aviation Recorders
Initial Issue
Dec. 01/06
Page 2–28
(4) Press the ESC key to return to the AIS Main System Menu screen.
Figure 2–18. LCD Viewing Angle Adjust Screen Baud Rate Setup
IEC Sensor Input Channels:
Valid baud rates for CH1, CH2, and CH3 - 4800,
9600, 19200, and 38400. (Default = 4800)
IEC Bidirectional Channels:
Valid baud rates for CH4, CH5, CH8, and Pilot
(front panel) are 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400.
(Default = 38400)
To setup the Baud Rate, perform the following:
(1) Press the FNC key, press the NAV key. The AIS Main System Menu screen will
(2) Using the down Arrow key, select Set Baud Rate, and press the ENT key. The
Baud Rate Setup screen will appear. (Refer to Figure 2–19.)
(3) Using all of the arrow keys, highlight an entry point, and press the ENT key.
(4) Enter the data, press the ENT key, and move to the next data entry point.
(5) Press the ESC key to return to the AIS Main System Menu screen.
Figure 2–19. Baud Rate Setup Screen