Marine Systems
Aviation Recorders
Initial Issue
Dec. 01/06
Page 2–12
SW Rev:
Software Revision of transponder.
Pwd Rqrd:
Password required. Determines whether or not a password is
required at power up.
Al Popup:
Alarm Popups. Yes = popups enabled, No = disabled.
Scrn Tmt:
Screen Timeout. Yes = default to NAV screen after 30 seconds,
No = disable
LR RsPns:
Long Range Response. All long range requests cause an alarm to be
IEC Trc:
IEC Trace. Turns on up to five levels of troubleshooting messages,
0 = off.
VDL Trc:
VDL Trace. Turns on up to five levels of troubleshooting messages,
0 = off.
To enter System Information and Configuration information, perform the fol-
(1) Press the FNC key, press the NAV key. The AIS Main System Menu screen will
(2) Using the down Arrow key, select System Info and Config, and press the ENT
key. (Refer to Figure 2–6.)
(3) Using the arrow keys, highlight an entry point, and press the ENT key.
(4) Enter the data by using the arrow keys, press the ENT key, and move to the
next data entry point.
(5) Press the ESC key to return to the AIS Main System Menu screen.
Figure 2–6. System Information and Configuration Screen