Beijing KYSTAR Technology Co.,LTD
playback status.
3.3.5 Material settings on canvas
(1) Return to the origin of the canvas: the origin of the canvas
refers to the (0, 0) coordinate point. When the user moves to another
location and is unsure of the origin, he can click “Return to Canvas
Origin” and the canvas will automatically move to the upper left
corner for display.
(2) Delete all screens: All screens on the canvas will be deleted,
except the locked screen.
(3) Clone the picture: generate the same picture without dragging
it into the material again.
(4) Rotation reset: After the screen rotates, it can be quickly
adjusted to 0 angle through rotation reset.
(5) Zoom reset: The material is quickly restored to its original
size through zoom reset.
(6) Hierarchical setting: The material has a hierarchical
relationship, which can be modified through the hierarchical setting.
(7) Disable audio: Select to disable the output of audio from the
material. Only one audio output is allowed for all the materials on the
canvas. The default is the first audio material added. Uncheck the box
to automatically disable the audio output of the previous material that
outputs audio.
(8) Keep ratio: When the ratio of the material and the screen is
different, the maintained ratio will be output according to the
original ratio of the material.
(9) Positioning resource media: positioning the position of the
material in the material library.
(10) Save as playback plan: add the current canvas resource to the
playback plan, which is convenient for quick recall in the next or
official performance.