If you have followed all of the previous instructions and find
everything to be operating properly, your Seabreeze 600 should
now be ready to run! Here are the procedures that should be
followed (some of these things may already be completed):
1. If your radio system has rechargeable batteries, charge the
t r a n s m i t t e r and receiver batteries according to the
manufacturer's instructions.
2. Tear a paper towel in half and place the two halves in the
bottom of the mechanical compartment to absorb any
moisture that may enter the hull.
Warning: Before proceeding, make sure that no one in the
area is operating a transmitter on the same
frequency (channel) as yours.
3. Turn on the transmitter and receiver in that order.
4. Attach the hatch.
5. Check to make sure the sail and rudder are operating
properly. Note: Looking at the boat from the rear, the trailing
edge of the rudder must move to the right when the
transmitter steering wheel/stick is turned right (clockwise).
6. Ask yourself, "If the boat becomes stranded in the water, will
I be able to retrieve it either by waiting for the wind to blow it
in to shore or by using a retrieval boat?" There is always a
chance of something going wrong and the boat going
"dead"; therefore, you should always have a plan for
retrieval in that event.
9. Your Seabreeze 600 will often take on a little water,
especially when running in rough water or when making
very tight turns. Keep a roll of paper towels handy and dry
out the hull after every run. If you notice excessive amounts
of water in the hull, check for leaks especially around the
hull/deck joint. Always store your Seabreeze 600 with the
hatch and radio box cover removed to allow the interior
to dry out completely. If you neglect to do this, it may
result in corrosion of the electronic components.
10. Check the keel and rudder for weeds or other debris.
Remove any foreign material which may have become
11. When you have finished for the day, dry the boat inside
and out.
Important Note: If, for whatever reason, your boat takes on a
large amount of water, swamps or sinks, causing the radio
equipment to get wet, you must do the following: Immediately
remove all batteries and radio equipment from the boat. Open
the receiver (if water entered the plastic bag) and servo cases (if
not watertight servos), and dry all components completely before
reassembling. To dry electrical components, use a paper towel to
absorb the water droplets, then use a hair dryer to make sure
they are completely dry. Use compressed air to dry out all wire
connectors. (Use eye protection when working with compressed
air.) Dry the inside of the boat. Reinstall the components and
check for proper operation before running. -
Caution: If you go out in a boat to retrieve a model boat, be
sure to wear an approved flotation device. Never
swim or wade in the water to retrieve a model
7. Place the boat in water that will allow the keel to clear the
bottom. Make sure that the bottom is free of debris that may
tangle with the keel.
8. Immediately after removing the boat from the water, place it
on its stand and remove the hatch. This will allow air to enter
and help carry away moisture that may have entered the
radio comparment.