ABS SYSTEM (For ABS model)
The ABS system is the equipment that
p r e v e n t s w h e e l l o c k u p i n c a s e o f a n
emergency braking, thus is capable to keep
stability when applying brakes.
Braking W ith ABS
Use steady, even braking application on the
front and rear brake levers simultaneously.
Apply the brake levers with the same grip
pressure as you would without ABS.
T h e s y s t e m c o n t r o l s b r a k i n g p r e s s u r e
automatically and independently at each
wheel to prevent wheel lockup.
The ABS does not prevent from falling down
while cornering into a slippery condition.
Limitations of ABS
A B S d o e s n o t a p p l y t h e b r a k e s
automatically. It needs to apply the brakes
at the right time and with the right amount
of braking force.
The ABS system only starts to work after
applying the brake lever.
ABS is not a substitute for safe driving.
Even with ABS, you must remain alert,
react appropriately and in a timely and
defensive manner during the travel.
Don't take unnecessary risks.
C a u t i o u s d r i v i n g p r a c t i c e s , s u c h a s
maintaining an adequate distance away
from the vehicle ahead, not speeding,
anticipating obstacles and adjusting your
vehicle's speed for traffic, weather and
road conditions, are essential for safe