(15) The TV display is fuzzy and unclear, how can I change this?
xxxix. First of all, there are 2 types of coaxial cable for TV: 50
and 75
Please make sure the cable you are using is 75
xl. Whether your cable is connected to a splitter or not, usually tightening the
connecting cable would solve this problem.
(16) There are green blocks and distorted images on my TV display, what
should I do?
Due to the limitation on some of the VGA cards in the market, the VMR
feature in DirectX 9.0C cannot be supported. Therefore, if your TV display
appears to be distorted or have green blocks in it, you probably have to
disable this function in the application.
xli. Turn on your PVR Plus media player and right-click on the TV display and
select Setup.
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