ASSISTENZA TECNICA TEL.+39-0577-309144 Fax: +39-0577-309142
T:\003_Apparecchi dal 04-2002\118_Manuali_rev_CE_2007(2010)\209_Manuali 93_42\KLAB_BBR_FRIGOEMOTECA_93_42\man serie KLAB-BBR VERS 1062010_ENG.doc
N.B.: The information and instructions contained in this manual refer to the models currently in production. KW reserves
itself the right to make any modifications deemed necessary for the technical improvement of the products at any time,
communicating said modifications only when reprinting this manual.
in compliance with the Directives 89/392-91/368-93/44-93/68
In the planning and construction equipment were essential requirements of EEC Dir 89/392 and subsequently
upgraded, with reference to the following standard rules: Law 791/77- EN 60204 / 1-CEI 66-5.
The KW APPARATUS Srl, bearing the famous brand "KW", whose creation and distribution since 1953, working
in the field of biomedical research and science.
Since 1979, the Company's management has concentrated all activities (commercial, administrative,
manufacturing and technology research laboratory) in the current headquarters located in Via della Resistenza
Le Badesse-119-53035-Monteriggioni Siena.
The company currently has a workforce of 20 staff, including technicians, clerks, workers, consultants,
engineering and biology and is present both in Italy and abroad with a sales network composed of scientific staff
and retailers, as well as a qualified service network.
The commitment of the KW in the realization of machines in the service of new biological techniques is
accomplished through the synergistic effect of innovations in manufacturing and marketing, the use of
microelectronics, constant investment in research in applied thermodynamics and control systems integrated
and this allows users to propose a range of products very ergonomic, high-tech, and have a highly dynamic
structure KW, with particular reference to:
- The quality of the product-safety
- Product reliability
- Eco-friendly product.
The company's business is the production, marketing and installation of products currently in the catalog, divided
into 5 distinct areas:
-1) Refrigeration
- T-freezers with temperature up to -130 ° C, both horizontal and vertical, and suitable for storage of any
biological material used for cold tests of various kinds.
- Refrigerators (with T combined) for storage of sera, vaccines, various biological materials, drugs, etc..
- For refrigerators and chromatographic techniques gelfiltrazione cold.
- Blood banks
- Control units for cooling liquids
-2) T-controlled environments
- Stoves, range of T up to +250 ° C
- Paraffin stoves
- Cabinets frigotermostatati forced circulation of air and water heat storage
- Chambers of T and photoperiod-controlled growth chambers and germination
- CO2 incubators with control% CO2 (air jacket and water jacket) and with flow meters and with electronic
analyzer TC