Stand: 19.03.12
Seite 16
KW Hydraulik GmbH
Köppelsdorfer Str. 132
D-96515 Sonneberg
Internet: www.kw-hydraulik.de
Now the appliance is ready (picture 14).
picture 14: punching tool 1 in the SSBZ
The dismantling of the tools are in a reversed turn. For the removing of the hole-punch
reception you have to move the die-reception by the touch-control a little bit forward, to
untie the latching-bolt.
You should use cutting-spray for the increase of the lifetime of the punching-insertion.
punching tool 2
You can make all sorts of working with the punching tool 2 (picture 15) like the punching
tool 1. In addition it is good for punching lamina-rails.
The punching tool 2 is a little bit different to the punching tool 1. At the front side of the
latch it has a latch-plate which locks the punch very exactly. The latch is hold from
permanent magnets. By changing the punch you have to remove the latch and the latch-
plate. There is not a female-screw which you have to untie before.
The shaft of the punches for the punching tool 2 has two centring. After a insertion of a
punch you have to fix it with both worm-bolts of the hole-punch reception on this centring.
Afterwards put the latch on the latch-plate.
The change of a die and the insertion of die-holders as well as a hole-punch reception in
the SSBZ is the same as at the punching tool 1.