Kvaser PCIEcan User's Guide
Kvaser AB, Mölndal, Sweden
— www.kvaser.com
6 Software Development Information
This section is intended for those who want to program the PCIEcan card directly. Normally,
you would choose to use the supporting device drivers available for the PCIEcan card. Refer
to the “CANLIB Software Development Kit” documentation for further information on these
device drivers from a programm
er’s point of view. Please note that this board is fully software
compatible with the Kvaser PCIEcan boards.
6.1 Additional Documentation
This document includes all information you need to use the circuits on the card. However, the
circuits themselves are not described here so information about these must be obtained from
the suppliers. See the list of references in chapter 9. General knowledge about the PCI
Express bus is also assumed.
6.2 The PCI Express bus controller
All PCIEcan boards use the same PCI controller, which is a Xilinx FPGA with PCI core. The
PCI controller is responsible for address decoding and interrupt steering.
The initialization of the PCI controller is outside the scope of this manual. Typically, it is
carried out by the operating system and/or the BIOS. There are a few registers you have to
set up in the driver; these are described below.
6.3 Address decoding
The PCI Express controller can decode up to 5 different address areas, three of which are
used by the PCIEcan.
Address area #
Size (bytes)
Used for
Xilinx registers
(“AMCC S5920”).
SJA1000 circuits
– 0x1f: SJA1000 #1
– 0x3F: SJA1000 #2
– 0x5F: SJA1000 #3
– 0x7F: SJA1000 #4
Xilinx registers
Address area number 1, the one used for the SJA1000’s, is further subdivided into four areas
of 32 bytes each; one for each (possible) SJA1000.
There is no actual AMCC S5920 in the PCIEcan, but the first address area is set up to be
compatible with the Kvaser PCIcan cards.