Clubmax FB4 series - v150120
Kvant Lasers s.r.o.
Scanning System
The product warranty does not cover the damages to the scanning system caused by improper use of the scanning
system or by incorrect programming. Therefore it is essential to understand how the scanning works and where are the
limits of it. In this manual we will explain only the basics of it but it is the responsibility of every user to educate themselves
so they can avoid damage being caused to the scanning system and costly repairs.
A laser beam comes from a laser module and hits the two moving mirrors of the scanning system. These mirrors are
mounted on the scanner shafts and are moved by the scanner rotors, one on X and one on Y axis.
An effect such as tunnel (circle) is displayed by a repetitive mechanical movement of the scanners. For each scanning
system and effect, there’s a maximal scan rate that is defined by mechanical load, scanner mirror size and weight,
complexity of displayed picture and size of the projection (an angle under the laser beam is being projected). A different
scanning systems have different scan- rate limits. It is essential to operate the scanning system at scan-rates within its
maximal limit at all times to prevent it from overload damage.