VHD5 Rigging Manual ·
Top 2 VHD8.10 Cabinets
9. Take the looped Flybar pan and tilt control cables and place them around the rear lifting bar, in front of the tensioning
chain bag on the opposite side to the male XLR panel connector. Then take the XLR female connector and plug it into
the male panel XLR located at the rear of the tilt flybar. The male XLR connects to the female panel XLR located
on the top rotating flybar.
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anual ·
Top 2
VHD8.10 C
8. Then attach the cable strain relief using the Double Stud L-Track clip to the top VHD 8.1 0 L-Track located on the back
of the cabinet.
5. Make sure that the two VHD8.10 cabinets are attached together securely with the rigging bars and push pins.
6. At this point the long black tensioning chain can be released for utilisation later in the flying process. This chain has tags
marked for different system configurations.
If you are not using a VHD5.1 down fill, you can also connect the last
Double Stud L-Track clip to the L-Track on the bottom VHD8.10 when you reach that point.
7. To begin the system cabling process, position yourself at the rear of the cabinets and connect the speaker break-out
cable to the main speaker multi-pin cable located in the flybar transit case.