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It is recommended that the
voltage supply be within the rated
voltage window. This ensures that
AC voltage variations from the service entry -
or peak voltage drops due to cable runs - do
not cause the amplifier to cycle on and off or
cause damage to the power supply.
For best performance, the AC
cable voltage drop should not exceed
10 volts, or 10 percent at 115 volts
and 5 percent at 230 volts.
Make sure that even with the AC voltage drop,
the AC voltage always stays within recommended
operating ranges. The minimum electrical service
amperage required by an EX6 speaker system
is the sum of each loudspeaker’s maximum
continuous rms current. An additional 50 percent
above that amperage is recommended to prevent
peak voltage drops at the service entry.
The Power Connector
The EX6 requires a grounded outlet. It is
very important that the loudspeaker AC supply
be properly grounded in order to operate
safely and properly. Use the PowerCon AC
cable-wiring diagram overleaf to create inter-
national or special-purpose power connectors:
AC Power
The EX6 uses a PowerCon 3-pole AC main
system with locking connectors to prevent
accidental disconnection. The main AC
connector (blue) serves as the power input.
The EX6 operates in either 115V or 230V
modes. Althoug pre-configured at the factory,
the unit’s operating voltage mode can be
changed in the field.
Voltage Requirements
The EX6 operates safely and without audio
discontinuity if the AC voltage stays within
the operating window of 100V-130V in 115V
mode and 200V-250V when working in
230V mode, at 50 or 60Hz.
If the On LED does not
illuminate or the system does not
respond to audio input, remove
AC power immediately. Verify that the voltage
is within the proper range. If the problem
persists, please contact KV2 Audio or an
authorized service center.
If the voltage drops below the low boundary
of its safe operating range, the loudspeaker
will shut down if the voltage does not rise
above the low boundary before storage circuits
are depleted. How long the loudspeaker will
continue to function during brownout depends
on the amount of voltage drop and the audio
source level during the drop. If the voltage
increases above the upper boundary of the
range, the power supply can be damaged.
Chapter 1
Power connector assembly