Storage Mode
The STORE Page
Pressing STORE
Press the STORE button when you have a storage device plugged into a USB port.
If no USB connection is detected by the Forte, you will see the error message “Error: No
valid device inserted.”
Store All
Press the “All” soft button to store all user objects into a single file, or press Cancel to return
to the previous page. Pressing “All” calls up the Select Directory dialogue. The Forte stores
files using the file extension .FOR. After storing, the Forte will display a message indicating if
the store was successful or if a problem occurred.
Store Advanced
Press the “Advanced” soft button to go to the Storage Advanced page where you can select
one or multiple individual objects to store, instead of saving all user objects. The Storage
Advanced page shows a list of all user objects grouped by type. Use the cursor up/down
buttons to navigate through the list. The object that is currently highlighted in red can be
selected or deselected for storing by pressing the “Select” soft button. An asterisk (*) appears
between the ID and object type of selected objects.
After selecting objects to store, press the “Store” soft button to store the selected objects to
the current storage device, or press Cancel to return to the previous page. Pressing “Store”
calls up the Select Directory dialogue. The Forte stores files using the file extension .FOR.
After storing, the Forte will display a message indicating if the store was successful or if a
problem occurred.