Multi Edit Mode
FX Page
Aux FX Channel
The Aux FX Channel determines the FX channel through which the aux sends of all of
the zones in the current Multi are sent. For example, if a zone 2 in a Multi has a program
with 25 Basic Delay 1/8 as an Aux FX, and zone 2 is assigned to channel 5, then setting the
Aux FX Channel to 5 sends the programs of all of the zones in the Multi through zone 2’s
Program’s Aux FX (i.e., through 25 Basic Delay 1/8).
The setting for the AUX1 (Auxiliary 1) & AUX2 (Auxiliary 2) parameters determines if the
auxiliary send level for the selected Zone program is overridden, and if so, by what value. The
two Auxiliary effects busses are global to all zones/channels on the Forte. The default value of
[p] means “no override” (i.e., use the values specified in the program.) To override the send
level value, select the AUX1 or AUX 2 send level parameter for the desired Zone, and enter
a new value with the Alpha Wheel, -/+ buttons, or enter a value with alphanumeric pad and
press the Enter button.
AUX1 Override, AUX2 Override
Normally, the Aux Effects Chains are specified by the program on the specified Aux Effects
channel. When Override is set to Yes, the Chain parameter can be selected, allowing you to
choose a different Aux effect Chain.
Set Override to Yes to select an override Aux Chain on this page. Set Override to No to use
the Aux FX chain of the specified Aux FX Channel.
When AUX1 Override or AUX2 Override is set to Yes, you can select an override Aux Chain
for the corresponding Aux Effect. The Chain parameter can not be selected when Override is
set to No, and “(Prog)” is shown as a reminder that the Chain from the Program on the Aux
FX Channel is being used. (See Appendix F Effects on page F-1 for a full list of available
Effect Chains).