Pan detection
The pan detection ensures a perfect safety. The induction doesn’t work:
If there is no pan on the heating zone or if this pan is not adapted to the induction. In this
case it is impossible to increase the power and the display shows [ U ]. This symbol
disappears when a pan is put on the heating zone.
If the pan is removed from the heating zone the operation is stopped. The display shows [ U ].
The symbol [ U ] disappears when the pan is put back to the heating zone. The cooking
continues with the power level set before.
After use, switch the heat element off : don’t let the pan detection [ U ] active.
Residual heat indication
After switching off of a heating zone or the complete stop of the hob, the heating zones are still
hot and indicates [ H ] on the display.
The symbol [ H ] disappears when the heating zones may be touched without danger.
As far as the residual heat indicators are on don’t touch the heating zones and don’t put any heat
sensitive object on them.
There are risks of burn and fire.
Booster function
The booster function [ P ] grants a boost of power to the selected heating zone.
If this function is activated the heating zones work during 10 minutes with an ultra high power.
The booster is foreseen for example to heat up rapidly big quantities of water, like nuddles
Start up / Stop the booster function :
Control panel
Display Zone
Zone selection
press key [ 0 ] from the zone
[ 0 ] and control light on
Start up the booster
press key [ P ]
[ P ]
Stop the booster
slide on the “SLIDER“
[ P ] to [ 0 ]
or press on [ P ]
[ 9 ]
Power management :
The cooking hob is equipped with a maximum of total power. When the booster function is
activated, and not to exceed the maximum power, the electronic system orders to reduce
automatically the power level of an other heating zone. The display is blinking on [ 9 ] during a
few seconds and then shows the maximum of power allowed :
Heating zone selected
The other heating zone:
(example: power level 9)
[ P ] is displayed
[ 9 ] goes to [ 6 ] or [ 8 ] depending the type of zone