Start-Stop Control Unit
for Stand-alone Gensets
Replaces: January 2006
Failed to Start
Generator Overload
Battery Undervoltage
Common Alarm
Start Indication
Automatic Mode locked
Alarm Monitoring on
231 233 229 V
50.02 Hz GEN.
The control unit
is used for stand-alone (mobile) gensets. The complete engine and
generator protection is included. The relay functions and the parameters can be set by software. The
automatic control unit uses the RZ 071-D of the KEA 070 series. As the KEA 112 has the same size and is
mounted in the same manner as the former KEA 072, it can be interchanged without difficulty.
Exchangeable paper strips label for four user defined LED-indicators and four operation indicators. All
alarms, all actual and reference values are shown on the display. The illuminated display shows two lines of
16 characters with a character height of 10 mm, so that it can easily be read from a large distance. The
parameters can be set by the keys and the display or with the ParaWin software via the serial interface
(optical fibre).
The hardware for this KEA is fixed and cannot be extended.
Important information!
The control unit is easy to operate as it is operated without menu navigation
but directly by the usual keys as all the previous control units.
Alfred Kuhse GmbH, D-21423 Winsen/Luhe, An der Kleinbahn 39. T49 (0)4171 798-0, Fax +49 (0)4171 798-117, http://www.kuhse.de