EN - Page 4
and select a value between 0…9
with the right key.
3.3 General Information about Programming
When this manual instructs to press
both keys simultaneously, press the
left key slightly before the right key.
4. Programming
4.1 Call for the Programming Mode
To call the programming mode:
1. Press simultaneously both front side keys and hold
them pressed for at least 3 seconds.
2. The following message is displayed
3. In addition, a blinking request for confirmation is
displayed. Press the right key to switch over bet-
YES and No
4. If
YES is displayed and both keys are pressed, the
programming mode is called for. no exits the pro-
gramming mode
4.2 Programming Mode
1. Press the right key and select the operating mode:
2. 3 operating modes are available:
3. After selecting the operating mode, press both
keys. Programming can start now.
The three operating modes can be programmed
independently of each other.
4.2.1 The SEtP Operating Mode
1. The following parameters can be programmed for
SEtP mode:
for mA 24.00
for mA 24.00
SiGnal allows selecting the setpoint output in volts
or mA. Press both keys to switch over from
SiGn to
ou.Lo and ou.HI.
output.Low allows defining the lowest value.
utput.High allows defining the highest value.
During operation, it is not possible to define a value
lower than the
ou.Lo value or higher than the ou.Hi
value. The default value for
ou.Lo is 0 V or 0 mA. The
default value for
ou.Hi is 12 V or 24 mA.
2. After setting the value of ou.Hi, press both keys;
the following message is displayed:
3. Use the right key to select
YES or no.