- Subject to change without prior notice -
5.2.10 Shape of output 1
(only if preset 1 is activated)
Permanent signal
of output 1, activated
at count value
preset 1 in adding mode
and at count value
preset 1 in
subtracting mode
Permanent signal
of output 1, will
become passive at count value
preset 1
in adding mode and at count value
preset 1 in subtracting mode
Timed signal
of output 1 will become
passive at count value
preset 1 in
adding mode and at count value
preset 1
in subtracting mode
Timed signal
of output 1 is activated at
count value
preset 1 in adding mode
and at count value
preset 1 in
subtracting mode
5.2.11 Duration of the timed signal of output 1
(only if
a timed signal has been programmed in 5.2.10)
The duration can be set between 0.01 sec.
and 99.99 sec.
A 0.00 setting is not accepted
5.2.13 Duration of the timed signal of output 2
(only if
a timed signal has been programmed in 5.2.12)
The duration can be set between 0.01 sec.
and 99.99 sec.
A 0.00 setting is not accepted
5.2.14 End of programming
Programming is carried out once more.
The values input can be checked and
Programming is complete and the values
input are taken over as new parameters.
Then the device is ready for operation.
5.2.12 Shape of output signal 2
Permanent signal
of output 2, activated
at count value
preset 2 in adding mode
and at count value
0 in subtracting mode
Permanent signal
of output 2, will
become passive at count value
preset 2
in adding mode and at count value
0 in
subtracting mode
Timed signal
of output 2 will become
passive at count value
preset 2 in
adding mode and at count value
0 in
subtracting mode
Timed signal
of output 2 is activated at
count value
preset 2 in adding mode
and at count value
0 in subtracting mode
5.3 Speed indicator / frequency meter mode
In the speed indicator / frequency meter mode, inputs
INP B, RESET and GATE have no function.
5.3.2 Activation of the 30 Hz filter
max. counting frequency: 20 kHz
max. counting frequency: 30 Hz
5.3.3 Setting of the scale factor
Scale factor setting range from 00.0001 to
99.9999. Fixed decimal point set to 4
decimal places.
A ”0” setting is not accepted.
5.3.4 Decimal point setting
The decimal point determines the number of
decimal places displayed. It is only used for
displaying purposes and has no influence on
the counting.
no decimal place
one decimal place
two decimal places
three decimal places
5.3.1 Polarity of the inputs
npn: switching to 0 V
pnp: switching to +24 V