6.4 About Telnet Interface
If you want to use Telnet to management the switch from remote site, you have
to set the IP/Mask/Gateway address to the switch first from console. Then use
"telnet <IP>" command in DOS. Its operation interface is the same as console
6.5 About SNMP Interface
If you want to use NMS to management the switch from remote site, you have to
set the IP/Mask/Gateway address to the switch and configure the SNMP setting
of the switch from console first. Then you can use SNMP management program
to manage this switch.
This switch supports SNMP Version 1 agent function and MIB II(Interface),
Bridge MIB, Etherlike MIB and Private MIB. The default GET community name
is “public” and SET community name is “private”.
This switch supports up to five trap receivers with different trap community