KSH International CO., LTD.
Device ID
User assigned ID number for the converter. Available ID is “0 ~ 65535”.
Report device ID when connected
In TCP mode, if this parameter is enabled, every time when the socket is
connected, e-Net TCP/IP converter will immediately report its device ID in the
following formats:
Serial #1
Serial #2
Digital I/O
The total length is 8 bytes, where “nnnnn” is a 5-digit device ID assigned by the
user; [LF] is decimal 10; [CR] is decimal 13.
Setup password
Administration password used to login the “Controller Setup” page. It may be
empty or up to 15 characters long.
Access password
During socket connection, Authentication password may be empty or up to 15
characters long. If “Access password” is empty, the authentication is disabled.
Otherwise, the authentication will be conducted. If the authentication fails or
no password is supplied within 10 seconds, the socket will be closed.