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M 1 (K) Alarm Contactor
Above-floor box
Automatic waste water lifting unit for above-floor
Alarm contactor
Magnetic float switch that triggers a switching
signal via a reed contact when the liquid level
Alarm switchgear types AS 0, AS 1-M, AS 2, AS 4,
AS 5
Monitoring unit that outputs an acoustic signal in
conjunction with a contactor. The switchgear
comes with additional functions such as volt-free
contact and battery back-up depending on the
type series.
Alarm switchgear/washing machine interrupter
AS W4, AS W8
Control unit with 4 or 8 intermediate connectors
for connecting up to 4 or 8 washing machines;
automatically de-energises the washing machines
if the water level in the collecting tank of a waste
water lifting unit is too high. Features the
following supplementary functions: alarm buzzer,
indicator lamps for operational availability and
high water, luminous switch for alarm ON/OFF and
M 1 alarm contactor.
Collecting tank
Component of a waste water lifting unit in which
the incoming waste water is stored in
unpressurised condition prior to automatic lifting.
Underfloor box
Automatic waste water lifting unit for underfloor
installation in substructures and foundations.
Washing machine interrupter GEWAS
Control unit with connector housing and outlet
for connecting a washing machine. Including
alarm buzzer and plug connection for an alarm
contactor for automatically de-energising the
washing machine if the water level in the
collecting tank is too high.
Waste water lifting unit
Device for collecting and automatically lifting
faecal-free waste water above the flood level