Pre-out Main-in
Stereo Amplifier
Ensure the main power switch is off and
connect the mains power cord.
Set volume on your subwoofer to the 2/3
Set phase to 0°.
Select desired low pass (crossover
frequency) setting on your subwoofer.
As a guide set the subwoofer lowpass
to 20hz above the main speakers low
frequency limit. Refer to main speaker
specifications e.g. 60Hz -20Khz speaker
would require 80Hz setting.
Set power mode to auto (middle position).
Requires your amplifier to feature L and R
pre-out connections.
Use two Y cables to connect each
pre-out channel on your amplifier
(or pre-amplifier) to the corresponding
subwoofer and main amplifier inputs.
If main inputs are not present on your
amplifier, simply connect the pre-outputs
to subwoofer line inputs.
If your amplifier does not have L & R
pre-outs you may use a “Speaker (High
Level) to Line Level Converter” to
connect to your subwoofer inputs.
It is beneficial to select music that is familiar
to you when carrying out listening tests and
calibration procedures. As a suggestion,
play clean unprocessed recordings that use
double bass, bass guitar, cellos, organ or kick
drum that cover a wide bass spectrum.
Begin by playing music and slowly adjust the
volume dial on the subwoofer to your desired
level. For final tweaking of your subwoofer
level you may wish to sit in the primary
listening position and ask an assistant to
adjust the volume dial on your subwoofer.
Now set the phase dial. The correct phase
setting will produce the most bass. You may
need to listen to a variety of recordings to
hear any subtle change in bass energy. If no
change in bass energy can be heard between
phase settings, set phase to 0° default
position. Re-adjust volume if necessary.
You may wish to fine-tune the crossover
frequency/low pass setting. This will vary the
amount of overlap from the subwoofer to
the main speakers and increase or decrease
the level at those frequencies. The effect is
a strengthening or weakening of the upper
bass region. Unpleasant ‘woody’ or ‘chesty’
sound qualities may suggest the low pass
setting selected is too high. If the sound lacks
‘body’ the low pass setting selected may be
too low. Re-adjust low pass setting, volume
and then phase. Re-evaluate results.