across the room to exhaust and help move the air.
A. Your cooler must be positioned in front of an open window or door to operate effec
B. Always ensure that there is another open window or door which the air can exhaust
from the room.
C. Ensure the filter is kept clean throughout the summer season.
D. At the end of each day run your cooler on “Air” mode only for 30 minutes to dry out
the filter.
E. Prior to putting your cooler away for winter, always:
Drain the tank and wipe out clean.
Clean the filter.
Reassemble and run on “Air” mode only for 30 minutes to dry out the filter.
: having completed the assembly of your cooler, place the unit with its back on an
open window or door. This will allow fresh air to be drawn through the cooler and ex
hausted from the room. Constant air change is essential and part of the fresh air benefits
from evaporative air cooling.
Remember your cooler has been designed to operate even if it runs out of water. No
damage will be caused to the pump if your cooler runs out of water.
Wheels assembling
Take out the 4 wheels and fix them as indicated on the picture.
Make sure the 2 wheels with lock are in the same direction as the front pannel.