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Tips for proper mowing
It is recommended that you overlap the mowing
Only use a sharp blade that is in good condition.
This will prevent the grass blades from fraying
and the lawn from turning yellow.
Try to mow in straight lines for a nice, clean look.
The swaths should overlap each other by a few
centimeters in order to avoid stripes.
The operating time of the rechargeable batteries
and therefore the area in square meters that can
be covered with a single battery charge is largely
dependent on the state of the grass (e.g. density,
moisture, height, cutting height, etc.) and the mo-
wing speed (walking speed). To adjust the area
coverage to your individual requirements, it is
recommended that you mow the lawn more often,
with a higher cutting height and at an appropriate
speed. Frequently turning the equipment on and
while mowing will also reduce the amount of
area that you can cover. If the operating time of
the rechargeable batteries (area coverage) is still
unsatisfactory in spite of the above measures,
you can remedy the problem by using rechargea-
ble batteries with a larger capacity (Ah).
How frequently you should mow your lawn is
determined primarily by the speed at which the
grass grows. In the main growing season (May
- June) you will probably need to mow the lawn
twice a week, otherwise just once a week. The
cutting height should be between 4 - 6cm and the
amount of growth before mowing again should be
4 - 5cm. If the grass is allowed to grow somewhat
longer for whatever reason, do not make the mis-
take of cutting it back to the normal height in one
go. This will harm the lawn. Never cut it back by
more than half the height in one go.
Keep the underside of the mower housing clean
and remove grass build-up. Deposits not only
make it more di
cult to start the mower; they
decrease the quality of the cut and make it harder
for the equipment to bag the grass.
Always mow along inclines (not up and down).
You can prevent the lawn mower from slipping
down by holding a position at an angle upwards.
Select the cutting height according to the length
of the grass. Make several passes so that no
more than 4cm of grass are cut at one time.
Switch o
the motor before doing any checks on
the blade. Keep in mind that the blade continues
to rotate for a few seconds after the motor has
been switched o
. Never attempt to manually
stop the blade. Regularly check to see if the
blade is securely attached, is in good condition
and is sharp. If the contrary is the case, sharpen
the blade or replace it. In the event that the blade
strikes an object, immediately switch o
the lawn
mower and wait for the blade to come to a com-
plete stop. Then inspect the condition of the blade
and the blade mount. Replace any parts that are
As soon as grass clippings start to trail the lawn
mower, it is time to empty the grass basket. Im-
portant! Before taking o
the grass basket, switch
the motor and wait until the blade has come to
a stop.
To take o
the grass basket, use one hand to lift
up the chute
ap and the other to grab onto the
basket handle. Remove the basket. For safety
reasons, the chute
ap automatically falls down
after removing the grass basket and closes o
rear chute opening. If any grass remains in the
opening, it will be easier to restart the engine if
you pull the mower back approximately 1m.
Do not use your hands or feet to remove clippings
in or on the mower housing, but instead use suita-
ble tools such as a brush or a hand broom.
In order to ensure that the majority of grass clip-
pings are picked up, the inside of the grass bas-
ket must be cleaned after each use.
Reattach the grass basket only when the motor is
switched o
and the blade has stopped.
Lift up the chute
ap with one hand and, holding
the grass basket by its handle with the other
hand, hang in the basket from the top.
7. Cleaning, maintenance and
ordering of spare parts
Pull the safety plug before carrying out any
cleaning work (Fig. 8).
7.1 Cleaning
Keep all safety devices, air vents and the
motor housing free of dirt and dust as far as
possible. Wipe the equipment with a clean
cloth or blow it with compressed air at low
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