KRAFT KF-AKM65103LW User Manual Download Page 18










Install Washing machine

Connect the power






As the maximum current through the unit is 10A when

you are using its heating function, please make sure

the power supply system (current, power voltage and

wire) at your home can meet the normal loading

requirements of the electrical appliances.

Please connect the power to a socket which is correctly

installed and properly earthed.

Make sure the power voltage at your plate is same

to that in the machine’s rated voltage.

Power plug must match the socket.

Do not use multi-purpose plug or socket as extension cord.

Do not connect and pull out plug with wet hands.

When pulling out the plug, hold the plug tightlly and then pull it out. Do

not pull power cord forcibly.

If power cord is damaged or has any sign of being broken, special power

cord must be selected or purchased from its manufacturer or service

center for replacement.


1.This machine must be earthed properly. If there is any short circuit,

    earthing can reduce the danger of electrical shock.

2.Washing machine shall be operated in a circuit separate from other

    electrical appliances. Otherwise, power protector may be tripped or

    fuse may be burned out.



Precautions for Use


Your washing machine is household; 

Your washing machine only can wash the fabrics suitable for machine wash; 

Your washing machine only can be connected with cold tap water. Please 

choose the commercially available household low foam detergent and clothes

 tendering agent only suitable for machine wash; 

For the clothes with steel wire, the wire will pop up during washing. To protect 

your washing machine and clothes, please don


t wash that kind of clothes in the 

washing machine; 

The supply of water and electricity shall be interrupted after the washing; 

The operating environment conditions of the washing machines are as follows: 

The ambient air temperature is 0 - 40°C; 

The relative humidity of air is below 95% (at 25°C); 

Keep your pets away from the washing machine; 



t let children or the elderly use the machine if nobody looks after them; 

The machine must be installed and used in the rooms with floor drains; 



t wash your carpets; 

The power line of the machine is Y connection mode. The plug of the 

power line must be inserted into the three-core socket with grounding wire, 

making sure that your three-core socket is grounded in a correct and reliable 


Cleaning and Maintenance

Notice: be cautious of electric shock hazard! 

Please be sure to pull out the power plug or cut off power before you start 




t use chemical solvent to prevent explosion. 

Clean the box and control panel 

Wipe with a wet soft towel; 



t use detergents with lapping compounds; 

Please immediately eliminate the residual detergent after washing; 



t spray or rinse the machine with water. 

Clean the drum

Open the door of the washing machine to keep it dry; 

Rust: please remove it timely with chloride-free detergents. 



t use a steel wire ball to remove. 

Wash the feed box

Press down the feed box button (in the position by

finger), open it to the natural open state; 

Wipe it with a wet soft towel; 

After cleaning, keep the feed box open and dry, as

shown in the right figure; 

When washing the feed box, don


t directly wash it

with water to avoid damaging the electric devices 

or floor etc due to water leakage. 


Precautions for Use


Your washing machine is household; 

Your washing machine only can wash the fabrics suitable for machine wash; 

Your washing machine only can be connected with cold tap water. Please 

choose the commercially available household low foam detergent and clothes

 tendering agent only suitable for machine wash; 

For the clothes with steel wire, the wire will pop up during washing. To protect 

your washing machine and clothes, please don


t wash that kind of clothes in the 

washing machine; 

The supply of water and electricity shall be interrupted after the washing; 

The operating environment conditions of the washing machines are as follows: 

The ambient air temperature is 0 - 40°C; 

The relative humidity of air is below 95% (at 25°C); 

Keep your pets away from the washing machine; 



t let children or the elderly use the machine if nobody looks after them; 

The machine must be installed and used in the rooms with floor drains; 



t wash your carpets; 

The power line of the machine is Y connection mode. The plug of the 

power line must be inserted into the three-core socket with grounding wire, 

making sure that your three-core socket is grounded in a correct and reliable 


Cleaning and Maintenance

Notice: be cautious of electric shock hazard! 

Please be sure to pull out the power plug or cut off power before you start 




t use chemical solvent to prevent explosion. 

Clean the box and control panel 

Wipe with a wet soft towel; 



t use detergents with lapping compounds; 

Please immediately eliminate the residual detergent after washing; 



t spray or rinse the machine with water. 

Clean the drum

Open the door of the washing machine to keep it dry; 

Rust: please remove it timely with chloride-free detergents. 



t use a steel wire ball to remove. 

Wash the feed box

Press down the feed box button (in the position by

finger), open it to the natural open state; 

Wipe it with a wet soft towel; 

After cleaning, keep the feed box open and dry, as

shown in the right figure; 

When washing the feed box, don


t directly wash it

with water to avoid damaging the electric devices 

or floor etc due to water leakage. 

Cleaning of the detergent container

•  Draw the detergent container out.

•  Take out the siphon top cover.

•  Flush the detergent container and the siphon with 

running water or wet soft towel.

•  Put the siphon top cover and the detergent 

container back.


  Make the detergent container open for natural 

drying after cleaning.

  Do not flush the detergent container with water directly, otherwise it may result in water 

leakage, electric part or floor damage, etc.

  When the washing machine is operating, make sure the detergent container is correctly 




Precautions for Use


Your washing machine is household; 

Your washing machine only can wash the fabrics suitable for machine wash; 

Your washing machine only can be connected with cold tap water. Please 

choose the commercially available household low foam detergent and clothes

 tendering agent only suitable for machine wash; 

For the clothes with steel wire, the wire will pop up during washing. To protect 

your washing machine and clothes, please don


t wash that kind of clothes in the 

washing machine; 

The supply of water and electricity shall be interrupted after the washing; 

The operating environment conditions of the washing machines are as follows: 

The ambient air temperature is 0 - 40°C; 

The relative humidity of air is below 95% (at 25°C); 

Keep your pets away from the washing machine; 



t let children or the elderly use the machine if nobody looks after them; 

The machine must be installed and used in the rooms with floor drains; 



t wash your carpets; 

The power line of the machine is Y connection mode. The plug of the 

power line must be inserted into the three-core socket with grounding wire, 

making sure that your three-core socket is grounded in a correct and reliable 


Cleaning and Maintenance

Notice: be cautious of electric shock hazard! 

Please be sure to pull out the power plug or cut off power before you start 




t use chemical solvent to prevent explosion. 

Clean the box and control panel 

Wipe with a wet soft towel; 



t use detergents with lapping compounds; 

Please immediately eliminate the residual detergent after washing; 



t spray or rinse the machine with water. 

Clean the drum

Open the door of the washing machine to keep it dry; 

Rust: please remove it timely with chloride-free detergents. 



t use a steel wire ball to remove. 

Wash the feed box

Press down the feed box button (in the position by

finger), open it to the natural open state; 

Wipe it with a wet soft towel; 

After cleaning, keep the feed box open and dry, as

shown in the right figure; 

When washing the feed box, don


t directly wash it

with water to avoid damaging the electric devices 

or floor etc due to water leakage. 

Cleaning and Maintenance

Summary of Contents for KF-AKM65103LW

Page 1: ...TIC WASHING MACHINE ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ПО ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ user guide WWW KRAFTLTD COM Телефон службы поддержки клиентов 8 800 200 79 97 Phone customer service 7 800 200 79 97 Надежно Выгодно Доступно Safe Reliable Affordable model KF AKM65103LW ...

Page 2: ... близко к стенке устройства насколько это возможно а также снимите дверцу чтобы дети играя не заперли себя или не получили удар током УДАР ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИМ ТОКОМ Не вставляйте вынимайте вилку из розетки мокрыми руками Держите вилку шнура питания в чис то те и не удаляйте пыль влажной тканью Не используйте стиральную машину если она повреждена или какие либо де тали потеряны Не подключайте стиральную ...

Page 3: ...ки спальные мешки и т д Стирать можно только одежду предназначенную для машинной стирки Не стирайте скатерти или изделия без обработанных краев и т д Если они требуют стирки поместите их в сетчатый мешок для стирки Нарушения вышеперечисленных правил могут привести к травмам к повре ждению машины или белья ПОЖАРООПАСНОСТЬ Не устанавливайте стиральную машину на ковер место для установки должно быть ...

Page 4: ...е резиновая подкладка должна плотно приле гать к корпусу а фиксирующая гайка надежно закреплять ножку Шаг 3 Отрегули руйте положение машины путем от винчивания завин чивания ножек Шаг 2 Нажмите на про тиво положные углы стиральной ма шины сверху удостоверьтесь что стиральная машина устой чиво стоит на поверхности Внимание Ножки должны находится в наиболее низком положении из возможных не ре коменд...

Page 5: ...ильно установлена и правильно заземлена Убедитесь что напряжение питания в сети соответствует номинальному напря жению машины 220 В Вилка питания должна соответствовать розетке подключения Не подключайте и не вытаскивайте вилку влажными руками При вытаскивании вилки всегда придерживайте ее аккуратно доставая из ро зетки Не тяните за шнур питания Если кабель питания поврежден он должен быть заменен...

Page 6: ... предметы из фильтра сливного насоса Установите фильтр обратно Очистка фильтров залива воды один раз в шесть месяцев Перекройте кран отсоедините шланг от крана и прочистите сетку фильтра с по мощью маленькой кисточки Отсоедините заливной шланг от стиральной машины вытащите сетку фильтра плоскогубцами и установите обратно после очистки Подключите заливной шланг откройте кран и убедитесь в отсутстви...

Page 7: ...я очистки барабана и труб Применяется нагрев до 96 С для стерилизации чтобы последующая стирка белья была более эффективной Для запуска режима удерживайте в течении 3 х секунд кнопки Отжим и Отложенный старт Программа не допускает загрузки белья и моющих средств 8 Защита от детей для запуска режима удерживайте в течение 3 секунд кнопки Температура и Отжим 5 1 Описание программ стирки Хлопок стирка...

Page 8: ...ливать температуру и скорость отжима для программ согласно табли це приведенной выше Время выполнения программ указано приблизительно Фактическое время вы полнения программ может быть короче продолжительнее в зависимости от ус ловий стирки напора воды количества белья и т д 6 ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ФУНКЦИИ Функция памяти При отключении электроэнергии стиральная машина запоминает на каком этапе стирки прои...

Page 9: ...нней диагностики которая в случае возникновения мелких неисправностей связанных с неправильной эксплуатацией помогает определить их причины Таблица неисправностей по статусу индикаторов программных режимов Код ошибки Неисправ ность Возможная проблема Решение Машина не включается Проверьте нажимали ли вы кноп ку ВКЛ ВЫКЛ или ПУСК ПАУЗА Проверьте подключена ли сти ральная машина Проверьте нет ли отк...

Page 10: ..._______________________________________ Наименование сервисной службы_____________________________ Линия отреза Талон 1 на гарантийный ремонт автоматической стиральной машины KRAFT модель ________________серийный ____________ Продана _________________________________________ наименование и адрес торгового предприятия _________________________________________________ _______________________________...

Page 11: ...______________________ ____________ должность руководителя предприятия МП подпись выполнившего обслуживание КОРЕШОК ТАЛОНА 3 НА ГАРАНТИЙНЫЙ РЕМОНТ автоматической стиральной машины KRAFT модель________________серийны ________________ Изъят ___________ _______________________________ 20___________г Исполнитель _______________________________ _____________________ Ф И О подпись Вид и содержание выпол...

Page 12: ...ние 10 ГАРАНТИЙНЫЕ ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬСТВА Дата продажи ____ ____________________ 20___ г Штамп магазина Продавец обязан при продаже заполнить гарантийные талоны Дата изготовления и серийный номер товара находится на упа ковке и на задней стенке товара Условия гарантии Гарантийные обязательства изготовителя действительны только для автоматических стиральных машин марки KRAFT Информация об авторизованных сер...

Page 13: ...ой службы____________________________________________________ заполняется организацией продавшей стиральную машину ____________________________________________________________________ Претензий к внешнему виду комплектации и работе стиральной машины не имею С гарантийными условиями ознакомлен ____________________________________________________________________ Ф И О подпись покупателя Dear Buyer W...

Page 14: ...s including children with redused physical sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge unless they have been given supervisions or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety Children should be supervised to ensure that thay do not play with appliance The appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with r...

Page 15: ...ease be sure to follow The above misoperation behaviors are likely to incur fire or explosion Fire Danger Explosion Danger Don t put the inflammable explosive and volatile substancesor the clothes stained with the above substances in the washing machine or approach it Don t mix the chlorine bleach with ammoniac or acidic materials such as vinegar or rust remover as different chemical substances ca...

Page 16: ...he door lock of the washing machine to avoid the asphyxia of children owing to being locked in the machine The above misoperation behaviors are likely to incur fire or explosion Damage Danger The washing machine is mainly used for washing clothes rather than for other purposes Moving or carrying the machine needs at least 2 people Don t forcibly buckle bind or put heavy objects on the power lines ...

Page 17: ... to their states as delivered Press opposite angles of the top cover plate press the top cover plate vertically to shake the washing machine to check whether its feet are in close contact with the floor or not Rotate the feet leftward or rightward to adjust the levelness till they are in close contact with the floor and the washing machine does not shake WARNING When the four feet are in close con...

Page 18: making sure that your three core socket is grounded in a correct and reliable way Cleaning and Maintenance Notice be cautious of electric shock hazard Please be sure to pull out the power plug or cut off power before you start maintenance Don t use chemical solvent to prevent explosion Clean the box and control panel Wipe with a wet soft towel Don t use detergents with lapping compounds Please ...

Page 19: ...m the tap and scrub the filter screen with a small brush Screw off the inlet hose from the back of the machine pull out the filter screen with nipper pliers and mount again after cleaning Connect the inlet hose again turn on the tap and check to make sure no water leakage Instructions for Washing Machines Preparations before Washing NOTE Unscrew the filter and pay attention to the remaining water ...



Page 22: ...the delay feature is activated Check and fasten inlet hose Clean up drain hose and ask a specialized person to repair it when necessary Check if the transit bolts has been removed Check if the adjustable legs are adjusted level Check if the washer is installed on the solid and level floor Check if there are any barrettes or metal articles inside Select a proper procedure Add the proper detergent q...

Page 23: consumption AEC kW h annum 173 Weighted annual water consumption AWC L annum 10560 Water consumption cotton 60 C full load L cycle 48 Airborne washing spinning acoustical noise emissions dB 60 74 Volume Of Inner Tub L 48 Door Diameter mm 287 Door Outer Frame Diameter outer mm 439 Net Dimensions WxDxH mm 595x480x850 Gross Dimensions WxDxH mm 657х535х885 Net Weight Gross Weight kg 53 57 Programme...

Page 24: ... to change designs specifications appearance configuration of the product without impairing its consumer qualities without prior notice to the customer NOTES ON DISPOSAL This marking indicates that this product should not be disposed with other household wastes throughout the EU To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal recycle it responsibly to p...
