150Mbps Wireless N Router
PPPoE user (ADSL)
Figure 4-12
If your ISP provides you the PPPoE service (all ISP with DSL transaction will supply this service,
such as the most popular ADSL technique), please select this item. In the “Convenient Setup”
You can input your PPPoE username and password to access the Internet
PPPoE username: Input PPPoE username provided by ISP
PPPoE Password: Input PPPoE password provided by ISP
Default MAC Address: The MAC address of WAN port, this is a fixed, unique address
assigned by manufacturer
MTU: The MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) setting specifies the largest packet size
permitted for network transmission. Most DSL users should use the value 1492.You can
set MTU manually, and you should leave this value in the 1200 to 1500 range. If the value
you set is not in accord with the value ISP provide, it may causes some problems, such as
fail to send Email, or fail to browse website. So if that happened, you can contact your ISP
for more information and correct your router’s MTU value
Primary DNS: DNS server is used for resolve domain name. Your ISP will provide you with
at least one DNS IP address, input IP address of your DNS server in this field
Secondary DNS
Input IP address of backup DNS server, or you can leave this field blank
You can select three modes: connect to Internet automatically (Default), auto disconnect when
idle or time out, connect to Internet manually