For example, the default IP address of 9060 is,.
1.Type the new IP address, Submask, Gateway in the relevant text windows.
2 .Press submit key .
3. Press reboot key, waiting for 20sec 9060 will change to new IP .
* Dynamic static IP address work in Ethernet:
Notice: The amend dynamic IP address have to be same segment with your PC . Please refer page 9 to
get PC network information.
* Real static IP address work in Internet:
B. Set up DHCP mode, steps:
1.Click DHCP, then click “Submit”
2.Click “Reboot”, it’s need to wait for 15-20 seconds to enable again.
3.Use Search Tools ,click Update to find IP CAM.
4. When change finished, the IP Assignment of Search Tools will show DHCP.
C. Set up PPPOE mode, steps:
1.Click PPPOE
2.Type User Name and Password
Click ”Submit”
3. Click “Reboot”, it’s need to wait for 15-20 seconds to enable again.
4. Use Search Tools ,click Update to find IP CAM.
5. When change successful, the IP Assignment of Search Tools will show PPPOE.