1. Switch the shaver on.
2. First of all, use the trimmer to remove longer hairs.
3. Position the shaving unit so that the three heads adhere to the skin
simultaneously. The independently oscillating heads will automatically
adapt to your facial features.
4. Stretch the skin with your free hand so that hairs are more exposed.
5. Do not push too much the shaving unit as an excessive pressure
could damage the foil and holes may appear more easily.
6. Shave your beard making small and circular movements.
1. Push the trimmer button downwards.
2. Press the trimmer locking button and slide upwards.
3. Grab the shaver as shown in the picture.
4. Press the trimmer locking button and slide downwards to retract the
Make sure your skin is perfectly dry. Always keep the shaver perpendi-
cular to the skin so that both foils adhere with equal pressure. Proceed
with the shave with slow or circular movements. With short and circular
movements you can obtain a better shave on the most diffi cult zones.
DO NOT apply too much pressure on your chin or neck in order to
avoid damages to the oscillating heads.
For a correct battery maintenance, fully charge the shaver for 24 hours
every six months.
It is recommended to clean the shaver after every use. Clean inside the
shaving unit and the grip with the brush provided. To clean the device
in the most hygienic and easy way, wash the shaving unit with warm
water before storing the device. When the shaver is not in use, always
put the cap on the shaving unit and retract the trimmer.