Menu Bar
The menu bar at the top of the window lists different menus. Use the left/right arrow keys to make a selection.
Legend Bar
Use the keys listed in the legend bar on the bottom to make your selections or exit the current menu. The table below
describes the legend keys and their alternates.
<F1> or <Alt-H>
General Help window.
Exit menu.
or Arrow key
← →
Select a menu.
or Arrow key
↑ ↓
Select fields in current menu.
<Home> or <End>
Move cursor to top or bottom of current window.
<PgUp> or <PgDn> Move cursor to next or previous page.
Load the default configuration values for this menu.
Save and exit.
Execute command or select submenu.
Refresh screen.
Selecting an Item
Use the or key to move the cursor to the field you want. Then use the + and – keys to select a value for that field. The
↑ ↓
Save Value commands in the Exit menu save the values displayed in all the menus.
Displaying Submenus
Use the or key to move the cursor to the submenu you want. Then press <Enter>. A pointer ( ) marks all submenus.
← →
Item Specific Help Window
The Help window on the right side of each menu displays the Help text for the selected item. It updates as you move the
cursor to each field.
General Help Window
Pressing <F1> or <Alt-F1> on a menu brings up the General Help window that describes the legend keys and their
alternates. Press <Esc> to exit the General Help window.