Kong TubeFive Manual Download Page 4


C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S   O N   T H E   P U R C H A S E   O F   YO U R 
N E W   KO N G   Tu b e F i v e !

The KONG TubeFive is a purebred 5-watt tube amplifier, which offers 
you lots of possibilities with its extensive features and versatility. The 
 TubeFive pulls its power out of EL84 power tubes. With the help of the 
5-watt/1-watt selector switch these can be restricted to room volume. 
The built-in reverb gives you a nice ambient sound and the effect loop 
allows you to loop effect devices between preamp and power amp 
(i. e. delay- or  modulation effects). Due to the different speaker outputs, 
the TubeFive can also be operated with external speakers.

Have fun with your new KONG amplifier!
