2. Set dipswitch to select Sound Active or AUTO mode.
2. Use standard XLR microphone cable chain your units together via the XLR connector
3. Turn on the unit power, the unit begins reset, then the unit begins working.
on the rear of the units. For longer cable runs we suggest a terminator at the last fixture.
4. The unit will react to the low frequencies of music via the internal microphone.
3. Assign a DMX address to each the unit using dipswitches, see the "DMX Address
Adjust the audio sensitivity knob on the back of the unit to make the unit more or less
Quick Reference Char".
sensitive in sound active.The panel has LED indicating for sound active.
Master-Slave Operation
This mode will allow you to link up to 32 units together without controller.
1. Install the units in a suitable position (laying or appending).
2. Choose a unit to function as Master mode, set dipswitch to select Sound Active or
AUTO mode. The others must be set to Slave mode, set dipswitch to select Slave mode.
3. Use standard XLR microphone cable chain your units together via the XLR connector
on the rear of the units. For longer cable runs we suggest a terminator at the last fixture.
4. Turn on the all units' power, the units begins reset, then the unit begins working.
Cabling must have a male XLR connector on one end and a female XLR connector on the other end.
5. Use DMX console to control your units.
1. DMX console can not be used in Master-Slave operation (Sound Active or AUTO mode ).
2. There should be only one master unit in Master-Slave operation.
DMX Control
The system only accepts the DMX512 signal of international standard to control the
system mode, the laser beam ON /OFF, running direction, running speed and twinkle
speed etc.
Do not allow contact between the common and the ficture's chassis ground.
Function setting
Grounding the common can cause a ground loop, and your fixture may perform erratically.
Uses dipswitches to assign a unit’s function: DMX/slave, or sound active, or AUTO mode.
Test cables with an ohm meter to verify correct polarity and to make sure the pins are
For the unit is DMX mode, set the DMX address using dipswitch. Each dipswitch
not grounded or shorted to the shild or each other.
represents a binary value. See the “Function chart”.
4. Turn on the all units' power, the units begins reset, then the unit begins working.
The slave units will react the same as the master unit.
5. The units will react to the low frequencies of music via the internal microphone.
Adjust the audio sensitivity knob on the back of the master unit to make the unit more
or less sensitive in sound active.The panel has LED indicating for sound active.
Universal DMX Operation (DMX mode)
This mode allows you to use universal DMX-512 console to operate.
1. Install the units in a suitable position (laying or appending).
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DMX Signal
Light No 1
Light No 2
Light No 3
Light No ….
Built-In Program Function Chart