Emergency stop methods
Emergency Stop
function is defined in EN 60204 (VDE 0113), Para.
In addition
to the requirements for Stop, the Emergency Stop must fulfill the following
it must have priority over all other functions and controls in all operating situations
the energy supply to any drive machinery that could cause dangerous situations
must be switched off as fast as possible, without causing any further hazards (e.g. by
mechanical latching devices that do not require an external supply of energy, by
counter-current braking in Stop Category 1)
the reset must not initiate a restart
If necessary, provision must be made for the additional connection of emergency stop
devices (see EN 60204 Requirements for emergency stop devices).
The Emergency Stop must be effective as a stop of either Category 0 or Category 1.
The Emergency Stop Category must be determined by a risk evaluation of the machine.
Category 0
Only hard-wired electromechanical components may be used for an Emergency Stop
function to Category 0. The action must not depend on switching logic (hardware or soft-
ware) or on the transmission of commands through a communications network or a data
In multi-axis systems (several SERVOSTAR 400-systems or combinations of
SERVOSTAR 400 and SERVOSTAR 300 or 600) using a coupled DC Bus link the motor
cable must also be disconnected by a changeover switch (a contactor, such as Siemens
type 3RT1516-1BB40) and short-circuited by resistors wired in a star configuration.
Category 1
For Emergency Stop Category 1 the final disconnection of the energy supply to the drive
machinery must be ensured by electromechanical components. Supplementary Emer-
gency Stop devices may be plugged in.
Implementation of the Emergency Stop function :
You can find wiring recommendations in our application note
“Stop and Emergency Stop functions with SERVOSTAR”
400 Installation Manual
Technical description