Installation Manual
HB-37350-810-31-09F-EN KSM31R Installation Manual.doc
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1 Important notes
Definition of individual target groups
Project engineers for secure drive systems:
Engineers and technicians
Assembly, electric installation, maintenance and replacement of devices
Maintenance electricians and service technicians
Commissioning, operation and configuration:
Technicians and engineers
1.1 Definitions
The designation KSM is used as generic term for all derivatives from the KSM product range.
Wherever this description refers to a certain derivative, the complete designation is used.
The term “safe” used in the following text in any case refers to the classification as a safe
function for application up to Pl e acc. to EN ISO 13849-1 or SIL3 acc. to EN 61508.
The system software “SafePLC” serves the purpose of configuring and programming
KSM modules.
The modules of the KSM series are internally built up of two independent processing units.
In the following these are referred to as system A and system B.
1.2 Co-valid documents
Installation manual for KSM module
series KSM10/11/12
HB-37350-810-01-xxF-DE KSM
Installation manual
Acceptance test
TÜV certificate for product modules
Thoroughly read the manuals before you start the installation and the commissioning
of the KSM module.
Paying attention to the documentation is a prerequisite for trouble-free operation and
fulfilment of possible warranty claims.