second time to confirm the hour system and minute system flash.
Pressing “Medium” button to increase time and “Slow” button to
decrease time and “Time” once more to confirm the minute system
during the 8 seconds.
Light: Pressing “Light”button once
the light goes on ,press once
more ,the light goes off.( “Light” function works independently and
do not subject to “On/Off” control .)
About the use of push button(as in Fig.8)
1.Press “P”, the motor will be off.
2.Press the button to “low”, “middle” and
“high”,the motor will be turned on at “ low”,
“middle” and “ high” speed respectively.
3.Press “light”, the light will be on. Press it
again,the light will be off.
.About the use of push button(as in Fig.9)
1.Power on,hum once, then all indicator light on within one
second,LCD screen shows"12:00" and starts the countdown.It will
be on state of standby after the background indicator lights on
within ten seconds.
2.Press" timing" button last three seconds,hum once,the LCD screen
show"12:"flashing,touch the button "speed" to increase the hour
system,touch the button"timing" once,the LCD screen
show":00"flashing,touch the button"light"to increase the minute