The bilge can accumulate explosive fumes. The bilge
Blower will evacuate the fumes. The bilge Blower must be run for a
minimum of 10 minutes prior to cranking the engine.
The largest percentage of all malfunctioning equipment will be due to simple or
small problems. Most operating troubles that might be encountered with a new or
well-maintained unit will be of a minor nature. Consequently, if you experience
any problems starting or operating your engine, look for a simple cause rather
than failure of a major component. The following list should cover the most
common problems.
• Loose or corroded battery connections are more common than battery
• Loose ignition wire connection – more common than distributor, coil or
• Severe weather conditions – temps below 32° - can cause condensation
on the inside of the engine.
• Operating conditions (load changes)
• Change of periodic servicing
• Change of grade or purity of fuel. Contaminated fuel will often foul the
• Change of operator.
Engine troubles that develop as a result of normal use and wear usually give
plenty of advance notice / warning. These problems usually develop as a result
of neglected periodic maintenance. Whenever engine performance appears less
than normal in any area, you should consult with your KODIAK dealer
immediately. Do not wait for a problem to develop. Careful attention to
periodic/regular maintenance will prevent most problems. Refer to the periodic
maintenance section for checklists.