KOBIL Smart Card Terminal Manual
10.18 Modify Verification Data
This command will prompt the request for the old PIN (or for the resetting code,
confer ISO/IEC 7816-8; or for the unblocking key, confer EN 726-3) and the new PIN
and the corresponding interaction with the smart card. No biometric support is
implemented at present. The interaction with the smart card consists of the
transmission of the commands entered into the data field of the ‘Modify Verification
Data’-command, and of the acceptance of the smart card response. In the process,
the old PIN, or the resetting code of the smart card terminal, will be inserted together
with the new PIN into the insert position in the DO ‘Command-to-Perform.’
CLA '20'
INS '19'
'01' = CT/ICC interface 1
'02' = CT/ICC interface 2 (only SecOVID Reader Plus)
'00' = User authentication via PIN pad
Length of data field
Data field
TLV with the tags (on this point, confer also ISO/IEC 7816-6):
'52' = command-to-perform:
control byte (cf. 10.17) || insert position OLD || insert position NEW || raw command
'50' = display text for the request for PIN input (default = “P“) is being ignored
'80' = timeout in seconds (BCD-coded) up to the input of the first digit is being ignored
Table 58: Coding the Command Modify Verification Data
The significance and use of the tags matches the ‘Perform Validation’-command
(confer Section 10.17)
1. ‘Change Reference Data’ compliant with ISO/IEC 7816-8 with old reference data
(4-digit PIN) and new reference data (6-digit PIN), i.e. PINs of variable length, and
representation as ASCII characters. The value of the old reference data in the
example is 4712, the value of the new reference data is 231546.
Content of Tag '52' = '01 06 00 00 24 00 00'
For security reasons, the raw command allows only for the INS-Bytes 0x20, 0x24, 0x26, 0x28
and 0x2c!