MP3 Function
MP3 Function
MP3 Function
MP3 Function
MP3 Function
MP3"and so on.(as shown)
7.Listen to the transferred files
Press Stop button to exit the FM Mode, and
enter the music mode. Under the music mode,
you will find track titles such as"ENC-***.
MP3"Press the play button to play.
8.Exit FM mode
Press Stop button to exit the FM Mode and
return to the music mode.
W h e n s e a r c h i n g f o r F M s t a t i o n s ,
W h e n s e a r c h i n g f o r F M s t a t i o n s ,
W h e n s e a r c h i n g f o r F M s t a t i o n s ,
W h e n s e a r c h i n g f o r F M s t a t i o n s ,
W h e n s e a r c h i n g f o r F M s t a t i o n s ,
please connect the Earphone or wired
please connect the Earphone or wired
please connect the Earphone or wired
please connect the Earphone or wired
please connect the Earphone or wired
remote controller. This is because the
remote controller. This is because the
remote controller. This is because the
remote controller. This is because the
remote controller. This is because the
earphone will function as the antenna
earphone will function as the antenna
earphone will function as the antenna
earphone will function as the antenna
earphone will function as the antenna
for the FM radio.
for the FM radio.
for the FM radio.
for the FM radio.
for the FM radio.
The level of the FM signal will also
The level of the FM signal will also
The level of the FM signal will also
The level of the FM signal will also
The level of the FM signal will also
be different according to the position
be different according to the position
be different according to the position
be different according to the position
be different according to the position
or location of the unit.
or location of the unit.
or location of the unit.
or location of the unit.
or location of the unit.