If you record from MIC, you can see a MIC
icon will show at the top of LCD. And if you
record from Line-In, you can see a Music icon
will show at the top of LCD.
If the player is connected to the
If the player is connected to the
If the player is connected to the
If the player is connected to the
If the player is connected to the
LINE-IN audio cable, but the setting is
LINE-IN audio cable, but the setting is
LINE-IN audio cable, but the setting is
LINE-IN audio cable, but the setting is
LINE-IN audio cable, but the setting is
on"MIC"the recording source will use
on"MIC"the recording source will use
on"MIC"the recording source will use
on"MIC"the recording source will use
on"MIC"the recording source will use
the MIC as the recording course.
the MIC as the recording course.
the MIC as the recording course.
the MIC as the recording course.
the MIC as the recording course.
If the setting is Line-In, but you
If the setting is Line-In, but you
If the setting is Line-In, but you
If the setting is Line-In, but you
If the setting is Line-In, but you
did not connect Line-In cable, when you
did not connect Line-In cable, when you
did not connect Line-In cable, when you
did not connect Line-In cable, when you
did not connect Line-In cable, when you
record file, you can not record anything.
record file, you can not record anything.
record file, you can not record anything.
record file, you can not record anything.
record file, you can not record anything.
MP3 Funtion
MP3 Funtion
MP3 Funtion
MP3 Funtion
MP3 Funtion