13 din 17
Station switch off in safety conditions
If the user observes abnormal functioning of the equipment, if error codes are displayed repreatedly or if the user cannot
understand the actions of the central heating station, the user must stop the functioning of the station immediately and in
maximum safety conditions. For this, the user must perform the following operations:
- Press
key and interrupt the functioning of the station;
-Disconnect the central heating station from the main power line by unplugging it (if applicable);
- Interrupt the fuel circuit by turning off the gas taps;
-Interrupt the flow of house water and of heatined water by turning off the corresponding taps for these circuits;
After the station is switched off in safety conditions, the user will contact the authorized service company in the area.
User training
It is obligatory for the specialized personnel commissioning the station to instruct the user about the following aspects:
Central heating station switch on/ off procedure in safety conditions by checking the following elements:
- electrical power connection;
- fuel (gas) connection;
- feeding and filling the thermal circuit;
- the station filling tap must be turned off;
- the pressure in the installation by reading the control panel (
- the station taps on the house water circuit must be turned on.
The functioning way of the station and possible problems that may occur. Also each key and symbol on the control panel
must be explained.
Warn the user that a drop in the water pressure of the system is caused by loss of thermal agent which needs to be
mended before using the station again.
Warn the user on the works performed on the air/ gases input/ output systems. Warn the user that
changing them is strictly
It is recommended that the user should have the station verified by an authorized person at least once a year.
Warn the user about the the precautions that need to be taken against freezing.
Hand the user the user manual of the central heating station.
At the end of training a commissioning statement is signed (table 2), by which the user signs that they are aware of the correct
way of using the central heating station. .
This statement is also signed by the authorized person who commissioned the central heating station.
The authorised person who commissions the station has the right to refuse to sign the station commissioning statement if they
notice defects of the local connecting installations and will not sign the commissioning statement until these defects have been
Quality Conditions and Warranty
The company KÖBER S.R.L. - VADURI BRANCH as the manufacturer, guarantees the correct functioning of the central heating
station if are observed ALL conditions for the installation, commissioning, use and periodical technical revision established in the
“Warranty Certificate” given by the manufacturer and signed by the authorized company in the presence of the beneficiary
when the product is purchased.
The Warranty Certificate that comes with the product details all the limits of the warranty. Please carefully follow the directions in
the Warranty Certificate and before reporting any malfunctioning of the station make sure that all the local connecting
installations are of the required quality!
Not observing the conditions of the warranty certificate results in losing warranty.
Inspection and maintenance
Inspection and maintenance intervals
It is obligatory to perform the periodical technical inspection in accordance to applicable law.
In the warranty period of the station the periodical technical inspection will be performed by companies authorised by KÖBER
In order to ensure permanent availability, safety in functioning, efficiency and extended working life, it is recommended that a
yearly technical inspection should be performed by the authorized agreed company. This is why we recommend that you sign
a service and maintenance agreement.
It is recommended that this inspection should be performed before the cold season when the station is used at full capacity.
Inspections, maintenabce and repair work are allowed only to technicians authorised and agreed by KÖBER S.R.L. -
Not having inspections/ maintenance work can result in material and physical damage.
In order to benefit from all the station function for an extended period of time we recommend the use of original
spare parts.