Installation Instructions
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
*Diagrams are not to scale.
Step 1:
• Inspect contents and remove changing station from the
shipping container and check for any freight damage.
If damage is found, please call Koala Kare Products’
Customer Service at 888.733.3456.
• Identify the best location for installing the unit.
Step 2:
• Remove the bed and chassis from the box. Open the
main unit by pulling up on the frame and remove the
plastic liner dispenser. Set it to one side.
Fig. 1
• Make sure you have taken into consideration the
operating clearance of 1 3/4" (45mm) on both sides of
the exposed chassis and 36 5/8" (238mm) from wall
surface when open.
For Wood Stud Wall
• Measure from the floor 37 7/16" (951mm) on stud center
and mark the wall. The mounting holes are designed for
16" (406mm) stud centers. Ensure the locations you have
marked for the mounting holes are level before drilling.
Fig. 2
Drill pilot holes for keyhole mounting using a 1/8"
regular drill bit.
• If the wall has wooden studs that are not on 16"
(406mm) centers, you will need to use toggles to secure
one side of the unit. The other side should be secured
to the stud using the screws provided. You must allow
for space inside the wall for the toggles to turn. This will
vary depending on the toggles used.
For Masonry or Tile over Stud Wall
• Use a 7/32" (5mm) masonry drill bit for the pilot hole
until you hit the stud. Change bit to 1/8" (3mm) regular
drill bit.
For Metal Stud or Concrete Block
• If the wall has metal studs or an underlying surface of
concrete block, you will need to use toggles to secure
one side of the unit. The other side should be secured to
the stud using the screws provided. You must allow for
space inside the wall for the toggles to turn. This will vary
depending on the toggles used.
37 7/16"