Your PC will automatically recognize the Chirp 3200 upon power up. The SounderSuite installation CD will have
installed applications shortcuts to the desktop of the PC. The EchoControl Server application needs to be started
first and once running a “K” will appear in the task bar. After the EchoControl Server is running the EchoControl
Client application can be started. NOTE : Running EchoControl Client will auto-run EchoControl Server. For a
complete explanation on the operation of the EchoControl Server and EchoControl Client please refer to the
following manual:
SounderSuite - USB EchoControl Client (part number D101-04380)
Factory Setup
The Chirp 3200 features up to four frequency agile channels that the user can configure to any frequency between
3.5 and 210kHz. The system’s operating frequencies will be preset at the factory to match a specific transducer,
either supplied with purchase or requested by purchaser.
Basic Controls
For a complete explanation of all EchoControl Client controls please refer to the following manual:
SounderSuite - USB EchoControl Client (part number D101-04380)
Some of the basic controls that the user will need to understand to operate the Chirp 3200 are Tx Power, Gain,
Pulse Length, Range, Phase, and Tx Blanking.
The Tx Power, Gain, and Pulse Length directly affect the strength of the output signal and thus the return echo.
There are four power settings each approximately 25% of the configured total output power. The Gain can be
selected manually or automatically (recommended). Shorter pulse lengths are to be used in shallow waters and
longer pulse lengths in deeper water. Longer pulse lengths may be used in shallow water if the user is sub-bottom
The Range and Phase settings will tell the echosounder what the extents of the search window are. The Range
determines the size of the search window and the Phase determines where in the water column to search. For
example: (assuming Meters as units) Range 100 Phase 1
The search window will be from 0 to 100M. If the Phase changes to 2 the search window will shift down the water
column and now be 50-150M. The same amount of information (100M) remains as the Range did not change.
There is an AutoPhase control that will allow the echosounder to change to the proper phase as the bottom
approaches either extent of the search window.
The Tx Blanking setting allows the user to block out any transducer ringing near the surface that may appear as a
return and possibly confuse the system’s bottom tracking. The Tx Blanking can be set by observing the amount of
ringing present on your data when in a primary search window (0-10, 0-50, etc).
Shallow Water Hints
For operation in shallow water set the Power setting to 1 or 2. Set the Gain to AGC (Automatic Gain Control) and
set the pulse length to its lowest setting. Make sure that the Tx Blanking settings is at a level that will function in
your desired water depth. Set your Phase to 1 and your range to a level just larger than your desired water depth.
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