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Setting The Midi Channel 

To set a midi channel hold down Shift and turn the resonance knob. Midi channels are mapped to 

the knob as follows: Knob set at zero - omni mode (all midi channels received) as you turn the 

knob channels 1 through 16 can be selected. If you are troubleshooting your midi connection, 

best to set it to omni mode (factory default) until you here something playing, then tune into the 

unique midi channel using Shift and Resonance knob.

FX - Reverb 

No pad sound is complete without being soaked overnight in a 24bit stereo reverb. Just one knob 


ers more reverb and increasing decay times the more you turn it, it's that simple.

Chord Memory and CV Patching 

The chord memory is the most powerful feature of Poly Cinematic as it represents the missing link 

between Midi and CV/Gate. Without connecting Midi, a factory fresh (see Factory Reset) Poly 

Cinematic will play a single note when you either press the Trigger button or send a gate signal to 

Trigger in, it will continue to play until you release the button or the gate signal drops (technically 

not a trigger I suppose). If you connect via Midi and play it, the chord memory will continuously 

keep the last note/chord you played in memory and assign it to the button, unless the gate/trigger 

is being pressed. So beware of erasing over the last wonder chord you played, but read on and 

find out how you can store more chords. Connect CV to the Osc Freq input and you can play your 

chord or single note or 8 note octave stack using a CV sequencer or keyboard, so you could think 

of your Poly Cinematic like a regular monophonic oscillator module with midi addressable chords.

Connect a CV into the Chord Select input and you can choose di

erent memory slots to record 

chords into, 8 in total. It can be quite tricky to mangage but once you get it, its a fun 

compositional tool that just keeps on giving. If you like what you've programmed into the chord 

memory, and you've remembered not to play any Midi over them, you can save them to persistent 

memory by holding down Shift and Trigger together and despite what happens later, your chord 

set will return when you power cycle the unit.

Factory Reset 

To return the unit to its original factory settings:  While powering up the unit, hold down Shift for 2 

seconds. The chord memories will be reset to factory chords/notes, Fine Tune is reset and the 

midi channel will be set to Omni (all channels)
