Fig. 1
Threads for screwed-in attachments (light filters and extension lenses):
in the sliding-mount "Industar-50" lens -- 23x0.5 mm; in the "Industar-26M" and
"Jupiter-8" lenses -- 40.5x0.5 mm; in the fixed-mount "Industar-50" lens -- 33x0.5
Picture sizes 24 by 36 mm, the camera using 35-mm perforated film.
The camera magazine accommodates 1.65-m length of motion picture film, sufficient
for making 36 exposures.
The camera is equipped with a curtain shutter providing for momentary speeds of
1/30; 1/60; 1/125; 1/250 and 1/500th of a second.
Besides, hand-controlled time exposures (with the shutter set opposite letter "B") and
duration exposures are obtainable.
Exposure speeds may be set with the shutter either set up or released. It should be
borne in mind that the shutter speed dial must be turned over the scale only from letter
" toward figures 30, 60, 125, 250 and 500, and then back again.
Never rotate the dial with:n the interval between "B" and "500", as in this
instance the mechanism is likely to be damaged.
The camera shutter is set up by means of a shutter-setting lever linked with the film
transport mechanism and the picture counting mechanism. Shutter is being re-set as
the film is advanced for the next exposure and the picture counting dial travels
through one division.
The optical range-finder (base 67 mm) is linked with the focussing system. The
optical view-finder and the range-finder are combined in the same field of view, and
have a common eyepiece.
The magazine used with the camera is a split metal piece made absolutely light-proof.
The mounting thread of the camera lens seat is standard for different camera makes